Incredible Treehopper Pronotum AL031

Original Dominican Amber FossilExclusive Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha PronotumIn Treehoppers, the pronotum extends backward to cover the abdomen and, in many species, forward to cover the head as well. Treehopper pronota are often humped or pointed to resemble a thorn, or have spikes, or take other odd ...Read more
Price: $ 350.00

  • Description
  • Specifications

Original Dominican Amber Fossil
Exclusive Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Pronotum
In Treehoppers, the pronotum extends backward to cover the abdomen and, in many species, forward to cover the head as well. Treehopper pronota are often humped or pointed to resemble a thorn, or have spikes, or take other odd shapes.
This specimen expanded in a fantastic shape that makes it look like a ninja warrior.
A very Special piece for every collection!!!
Inclusion reaches very slightly the surface of the amber
19.3 x 8.6 x 7.4mm - 0.700g

AL031 Treehopper Crown 11
AL031 Treehopper Crown 12
AL031 Treehopper Crown 7
AL031 Treehopper Crown 3
AL031 Treehopper Crown 9
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AL031 Treehopper Crown 8
AL031 Treehopper Crown
AL031 Treehopper Crown 6
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AL031 Treehopper Crown 2
AL031 Treehopper Crown 10