Gorgeous Hemiptera Psyllidae - Jumping Plant Lice V1771

Genuine Dominican Amber FossilExquisite Sucking Phytophage Hemiptera PsyllidaeRecords of Psyllid's are Very Poor on Dominican AmberVery Well Displayed Specimen on Clear & Solid Amber Piece Alongside Beautiful Hairs Like Botanical StringsComplete - Totally Covered by the Amber27.8 x 17.7 x 6.9mm ...Read more
Price: $ 299.00

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  • Description
  • Specifications

Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Exquisite Sucking Phytophage Hemiptera Psyllidae
Records of Psyllid's are Very Poor on Dominican Amber
Very Well Displayed Specimen on Clear & Solid Amber Piece Alongside Beautiful Hairs Like Botanical Strings
Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
27.8 x 17.7 x 6.9mm - 1.8g

V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 6
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 12
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 4
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 8
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 10
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 5
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 9
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 3
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 11
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 2
V1771 Hemiptera Psyllidae 7