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Price: $ 439.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Outstanding Coleoptera Ptilodactylidae - Toe-Winged Beetle (Male) AL001

Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Coleoptera Ptilodactylidae (Toe-Winged Beetle) Male
Superb Extremely Rare Inclusion in Dominican Amber
Complete - Live Like - Centered - Totally Covered - Crystal Clear & Solid Cabochon Shaped Amber Piece
Very High Quality Specimen
19.7 x 15.5 x 8.8mm - 7.08Ct

Characters distinctive of Ptilodactylidae are: the heart shaped scutellum and the antennae, sawtoothed in females and pectinate in males, bearing long, slender basal projections on segments 4-10. Adults are found on vegetation in moist, shade places; they are pollinators of Orchidia.

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Price: $ 459.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Coleoptera Ptilodactylidae Superb Toe-Winged Beetle V2082

Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Coleoptera Ptilodactylidae (Toe-winged Beetle)
Characters distinctive of Ptilodactylidae are: the heart shaped scutellum and the antennae, sawtoothed in females and pectinate in males, bearing long, slender basal projections on segments 4-10. Adults are found on vegetation in moist, shade places; they are pollinators of Orchidia.
Amazing Rare Specimen Very well Displayed in Clear Amber Piece
Complete - Very well Centered - Totally Covered by the Amber
27.3 x 10.7 x 4.6mm - 4.69Ct

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