
Results 1 - 5 of 5
Price: $ 239.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Diplopoda Polydesmida Super Nice Inclusion V2042

Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Superb Live Like Diplopoda Polydesmida (Flat Backed Millipede)
Complete Specimen - Totally Covered - Crystal Clear Amber Piece
Ideal Shape for Ring Surface
+/-15.5 x 6.8mm - 5.65Ct

[widgetkit id="973" name="V2042 Flat Backed Millipede"]

Price: $ 249.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Coleoptera Staphylinidae & Diplopoda Polydesmida Super Nice Inclusions V1814

Genuine Dominican Amber
Coleoptera Staphylinidae (Rove Beetle) & Diplopoda Polydesmida (Flat Backed Millipede)
Very well displayed in crystal amber piece
Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
20.0 x 18.6 x 8.8mm - 1.852g

[widgetkit id="1050" name="V1814 Diplopoda Polydesmida Millipede Coleoptera Staphylinidae"]

Price: $ 211.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Diplopoda Polydesmida on Clear Amber Piece V0744

Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil Inclusion
Super Nice Flat Backed Millipede (Diplopoda Polydesmida)
Very well Displayed Specimen on Clear Amber Piece
Processed on our Workshop Under 10x Magnification
100% Natural Gemstone Not Treated Heated or Whatsoever


[widgetkit id="500" name="V0744 Diplopoda Polydesmida"]

Price: $ 149.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Complete Diplopoda on Clear Amber Piece V1823

Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Beautiful Specimen
Live Like - Complete - Totally "in"
Very well Displayed on Crystal Clear Amber Piece- Surrounded by Amazing Bubbles
26.7 x 14.5 x 5.5mm - 6.18Ct

[widgetkit id="715" name="V1823 Millipede"]

Price: $ 249.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Remarkable Diplopoda Polydesmida Flat Backed Millipede V2018

Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Beautiful Ultra Sharp Diplopoda Polydesmida (Flat Backed Millipede)
Very Well Displayed Specimen on Clear Amber Piece
Totally Covered by the Amber
16.7 x 14.7 x 6.4mm - 5.0Ct

[widgetkit id="899" name="V2018 Flat Backed Millipede Diplopoda Polydesmida"]

Results 1 - 5 of 5