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Price: $ 1,899.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Megaloptera Sialidae - Alderfly Unique Specimen A02-039

Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Megaloptera Sialidae - (Alderfly)
Utra Exclusive Specimen - Even Rarer than Lizards in Dominican Amber
Amazing Highly Visible Inclusion Very well Displayed on Crystal Clear Amber Piece
A Absolute Must Have on any Serious Collection
Worth to be displayed in a World-Class Museum
29.2 x 13.9 x7.5mm - 2.164g

Sialidae are characterized by long filiform, multisegmented antennae, eyes protruding laterally, wings membranous and very soft abdomen. Larvae of Sialidae are aquatic and prey on aquatic invertebrates, Adults are found on vegetation near larval habitat, they are short lived and eat very little or don’t eat at all. Less than ten specimens of Sialidae have been found in Dominican Amber to date

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