Hemiptera Aradidae so Nice Specimen V1319
Stunning Flat Bug
Hemiptera Aradidae
Hyper Sharp Specimen
Very well Displayed
20.9 x 13.1 x 7.7mm - 1.17g
Pay attention to details of the Thickened front Edge of the Wings
[widgetkit id="190" name="V1319 Aradidae"]
Stunning Hemiptera's Top Quality V1923
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossils
Tiny but OMG so Nice Hemiptera’s
Live Like Specimens
Totally Covered by Crystal Clear Lovely Orange Amber
22.7 x 11.2 x 6.2mm – 5.3Ct
[widgetkit id="685" name="V1923 Hemiptera"]
Heteroptera Miridae - Plant Bug AL063
Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Very Rare Heteroptera Miridae (Plant Bug)
Complete Inclusion - Totally Covered by the Amber
21.8 x 14.0 x 6.4mm - 5.24Ct
Miridae are soft bodied insects, antennae and beak are four segmented, body shape varies from simple ovoid to remarkably myrmecomorphic
Most Miridae are phytophagous, a few species prey on small soft bodied insects or insect eggs.
[widgetkit id="956" name="AL063 Heteroptera Miridae - Plant Bug"]
Super Nice Heteroptera Miridae Philinae & Acari Caeculidae V1900
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Heteroptera Miridae Philinae & Acari Caeculidae
Rare Specimens - Super Sharp
Very well displayed in Solid Amber Piece
Inclusions are Highly Visible from both sides - Totally Covered by the Amber
12.2 x 6.7 x 3.0mm - 0.77Ct
[widgetkit id="1055" name="V1900 Acari Caeculidae Heteroptera Miridae Philinae"]
Ultra Sharp Hemiptera V1957
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Super Nice Live Like Hemiptera
Sharp Specimen - Beautiful Details
Rear Leg Reach Slightly the Surface (See picture)
Clear 1.43g Amber Piece
21.3 x 13.1 x 9.3mm
[widgetkit id="723" name="V1957 Hemiptera"]
Heteroptera Tingidae - Gorgeous Lace bug AF01-023
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
True Museum Quality Specimen
Extremely Rare Inclusion
Lace Bug (Hemiptera Heteroptera Tingidae - Lace Bug)
Perfectly Preserved
Centered in Clear & Solid Amber Piece
Absolutely Complete - Live Like - Beautiful
30.4 x 13.2 x 7.3mm - 9.40Ct
Processed on our Workshop Under 10x Magnification
100% Natural Gemstone Not Treated Heated or Whatsoever
[widgetkit id="475" name="AF01-023 Lace Bug"]
Hemiptera Termitaphididae Termit Bug V1239
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil Inclusion
Extremely Rare Specimen - Termit Bug
Termitaphidid (Hemiptera Aradoida Termitaphididae)
25.5 x 14.6 x 12.8mm - 2.75g
Processed Under 10X Magnification in our Family Factory
Very High Quality Polishing
Processed on our Workshop Under 10x Magnification
100% Natural Gemstone Not Treated Heated or Whatsoever
[widgetkit id="379" name="V1239 Hemiptera Termitaphididae"]
Heteroptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Phatnoma - Very Rare Lace Bug AL050
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Heteroptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Phatnoma
This specimen belongs to the Genus Phatnoma and is characterized by having seven cephalic spines: a jugal pair, a frontal pair, an occipital pair and a single one on clypeus. Head long, compound eyes well developed, rounded, antennae long and slender. Pronotum wider than long, paranota (the lateral expansions of pronotum) broad, bilobed, forming two triangular projections apically dentate.
Extremely Rare Lace Bug Family in Dominican Amber
Ultra Sharp Live Like Specimen - Complete
Totally Covered by the Amber
24.9 x 10.3 x 6.7mm - 5.31Ct
[widgetkit id="1065" name="AL050 Heteroptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Phatnoma"]
Heteroptera Tingidae Tinginae Spectacular Lacebug AL020
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Spectacular Lace Bug Inclusion
Heteroptera Tingidae Tinginae
A "Must Have" Top Quality Specimen
Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
12.6 x 11.6 x 4.2mm - 0.370g
Tingidae are plant feeders that live mostly on the lower surface of the leaves of living plants. Characteristics of Tingidae are the thin lacy outgrowths of the pronotum and the delicate lacelike texture of the forewings. Of the ineffable wonders of insect kinds, none surpasses the Lacebugs in the diversity and oddities of forms adorned with fancy lace design.
Common name of Tingidae is Lacebugs because of the raised reticulation on the pronotum and forewings. They are phytophagous and often gregarious near the egg masses from which they have emerged.
This specimen, belonging to the Subfamily Tinginae, Genus Leptopharsa, stands out for its extreme delicacy and beauty.
[widgetkit id="1122" name="AL020 Hemiptera Tingidae Tinginae"]
Hemiptera on Clear Amber Piece V1630
Top Quality Assassin Bug (Hemiptera)
Very Well Displayed Specimen on Crystal Clear Amber Piece
Contains a Moving Air Bubble
27.4 x 22.2 x 12.7mm - 4.2g
Fits Collection as well Jewellery Projects
Processed on our Workshop Under 10x Magnification
100% Natural Gemstone Not Treated Heated or Whatsoever
Very High Quality Polishing
[widgetkit id="442" name="V1630 Hemiptera"]
Live Like Hemiptera Termitaphididae Top Quality Specimen V1982
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Rare on Dominican Amber
Termitaphidid (Hemiptera Aradoida Termitaphididae)
Live Like Specimen
Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
Crystal Clear & Solid Amber Piece
16.8 x 8.5 x 8.4mm - 4Ct
[widgetkit id="831" name="V1982 Termitaphididae"]
Heteroptera Tingidae Tinginae - Museum Quality Lacebug AL053
Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Hemiptera Tingidae Tinginae - Lacebug
Common name of Tingidae is Lacebugs because of the raised reticulation on the pronotum and forewings. They are phytophagous and often gregarious near the egg masses from which they have emerged.
This specimen, belonging to the Subfamily Tinginae, Genus Leptopharsa, stands out for its extreme delicacy and beauty.
Very High Quality Specimen
Complete - Very Well Centered & Totally Covered by the Amber - Crystal Clear & Solid Amber Piece
28.0 x17.8 x 6.6mm - 12.39Ct
[widgetkit id="962" name="AL053 Hemiptera Tingidae Tinginae - Lacebug"]
Hemiptera Assassin Bug with Live Water Bubble V1634
Stunning Assassin Bug (Hemiptera)
Top Quality Specimen - Hyper Sharp
Very Well Displayed -Crystal Clear Amber Piece
Fits Collection or Jewellery Projects
29.9 x 17.9 x 12.4mm - 3.4g
[widgetkit id="91" name="V1634 Hemiptera with Water Drop"]
Heteroptera Tingidae - Outstanding Specimen AF01-193
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Exclusive & Rare Heteroptera Tingidae
Complete Live Like Specimen
Very Unusual Display of the Inclusion on Internal "Flash"
Flash as well as inclusion are totally covered by the Amber
Amber piece contains several other inclusions
34.0 x 26.1 x 10.5mm - 5.56g
[widgetkit id="792" name="AF01-193 Tingidae"]
Nice Hecathomb Flat Bug Bark Beetles Larva of Geometrid Moth A02-043
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Very Unique Hecathomb
Flat Bug (Hemiptera Aradidae) + 7 Bark Beetles (Curculionidae Scolytinae)
+ Larva of Geometrid Moth (Lepidoptera Geometridae)
Very Well Displayed Specimens on Clear & Solid Amber Piece
Inclusions Totally Covered by the Amber
36.2 x 24.6 x 8.5mm - 4.478g
[widgetkit id="1114" name="A02-043 Hecathomb"]
Museum Quality Nymph of Hemiptera Pentatomidae V1961
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Exceptional True Museum Quality Inclusion
Nymph of Hemiptera Pentatomidae (Stink Bug)
Complete Colorful Specimen - Centered on Massive Large & Solid Amber Piece - Totally Covered by the Amber - Highly Visible by Naked Eyes
The Nicest by far of our Pentatomidae's Specimens
42.6 x 24.7 x 10.4mm - 6.75g
[widgetkit id="700" name="V1961 Pentatomidae"]
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Stink Bug Nymph V1546
Museum Quality Nymph of Stink Bug (Hemiptera Pentatomidae)
Live Like Specimen very well displayed on large 19.98g Amber Piece (55.1 x 35.3 x 16.4mm)
Processed in our Workshop Under 10x Magnification
100% Natural Gemstone Not Treated Heated or Whatsoever
Very High Quality Polishing
[widgetkit id="59" name="V1546 Nymph of Stink bug Hemiptera Pentatomidae"]
Breathtaking Hemiptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Eocader AL021
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Amazing Top Quality Lace Bug
Hemiptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Eocader
Cantacaderinae have long heads often armed with one to nine tubercular or spiniform processes. Eyes convex, rising above the head surface, directed upwards and to the side.
Antennae long and thin, first two segments very short, third segment longest and thinnest.
This beautiful specimen of the Genus Eocader is characterized by the cephalic declivity between the eyes.
Ideal Display - Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
Crystal Clear and Solid Amber Piece
18.7 x 14.2 x 7.3mm - 1.206g
[widgetkit id="1136" name="AL021 Hemiptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Eocader"]
Hemiptera Enicocephalidae VD06-19
Super Nice Predator on Clear Amber piece
Hemiptera Enicocephalidae
Very Sharp & Well Displayed
Specimen from early la Toca Famous Amber Deposit
21.3 x 12.9 x 6.0mm - 0.92g
[widgetkit id="117" name="VD06-19 Hemiptera Enicocephalidae"]
Hemiptera Live Like Specimen V1575
Live Like Hemiptera on Extra Clear & Solid Amber Piece
Very well Displayed Specimen
Processed under 10x Magnification - Superb Finishing
24.7 x 18.6 x 10.5mm - 2.91g
[widgetkit id="253" name="V1575 Hemiptera"]
Rare Hemiptera Aradidae V1860
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Quite Rare Specimen on Dominican Amber
Hemiptera Aradidae
Inclusion is Located on the top of the Amber Piece between 2 layers of amber with a Isoptera
Amber Piece contains also several other inclusions
Clear 3.8g Amber Piece
35.1 x 20.3 x 8.6mm
[widgetkit id="735" name="V1860 Hemiptera Aradidae"]
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Stink Bug Nymph AF01-007
Live Like Nymph of Stink Bug (Hemiptera Pentatomidae)
Extra Clear Amber Piece 21.1 x 15.6 x 7.0mm
Processed on our Workshop Under 10x Magnification
100% Natural Gemstone Not Treated Heated or Whatsoever
[widgetkit id="119" name="AF01-007 Numph of Stink Bug Hemiptera Pentatomidae"]
Live Like Hemiptera Aradidae and Much More AL017
Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Crystal Clear Amber Piece with Very Interesting Specimens
Hemiptera Aradidae (Flat Bug) - Hymenoptera Bethylidae (Bethylid Wasp) Coleoptera Byrrhidae (Pill Beetle)
Complete Inclusions - Totally Covered by the Amber
20.9 x 10.6 x 5.3mm - 0.816g
[widgetkit id="1119" name="AL017 Hemiptera Aradidae Hymenoptera Bethylidae Coleoptera Byrrhidae"]
Hemiptera Psyllidae - Top Quality Inclusion AL015
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Super Nice TOP QUALITY Hemiptera Psyllidae
(Jumping Plant Lice or Psyllids)
Ideal Display in Crystal Clear & Solid Amber Piece
Complete Inclusion - Totally Covered by the Amber
20.3 x 12.8 x 7.8mm - 1.154g
[widgetkit id="1142" name="AL015 Hemiptera Psyllidae"]
Gorgeous Hemiptera Psyllidae - Jumping Plant Lice V1771
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Exquisite Sucking Phytophage Hemiptera Psyllidae
Records of Psyllid's are Very Poor on Dominican Amber
Very Well Displayed Specimen on Clear & Solid Amber Piece Alongside Beautiful Hairs Like Botanical Strings
Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
27.8 x 17.7 x 6.9mm - 1.8g
[widgetkit id="895" name="V1771 Psyllidae"]
Heteroptera Tingidae Tinginae - Amazing Frame-up AF01-183
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
True Museum Quality Specimen - Extremely Rare
Heteroptera Tingidae Tinginae (Lace Bug)
Beautiful Inclusion Very Well Displayed in Flying Type Attitude on Clear,Solid & Large 11.7g Yellow Amber Piece
47.5 x 30.7 x 11.8mm
[widgetkit id="740" name="AF01-183 Heteroptera Tingidae Tinginae"]
Hemiptera Termitaphididae with Host Museum Class Specimen A02-010
Super Rare Termitaphididae with Mastotermes Electrodominicus
According to Grimaldi-Engel (American Museum Novitates n° 3619, 2008), Termitaphididae
are highly modified Aradidae, possibly derivated from the subfamily Merizinae.
All the described species of termitaphididae have been found only in nests of termites.
Fossil Termitaphididae in dominican amber are very rare and this beautiful specimen
is one of the only three preserved with its host, a worker Termite Mastotermes Electrodominicus.
[widgetkit id="47" name="A02-010 Termitaphididae with Host"]
Rare Hemiptera Auchenorryncha Coccoidea Ortheziidae V1804
Original Dominican Amber Fossil
Rare Hecatomb of Hemiptera Auchenorryncha Coccoidea Ortheziidae (Three Scale Insects)
Beautiful Display on Crystal Clear Crack Free Top Quality Amber Piece
Quite a Menagerie as Amber Piece Contains as Well, Ants, Stingless Bees and Several Diptera's
Inclusions are Totally Covered by the Amber
30.4 x 29.3 x 10.9mm - 6.3g
[widgetkit id="840" name="V1804 Hemiptera Auchenorryncha Coccoidea Ortheziidae - Three Scale Insects"]
Very Rare Hemiptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Phatnoma AL043
Authentic Dominican Amber
Extremely Rare Hemiptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Phatnoma (Lace Bug)
Highly Collectible Specimen
Complete Inclusion - Totally Covered by the Amber
15.5 x 13.1 x 5.3mm - 0.548g
Tingidae are plant feeders that live mostly on the lower surface of the leaves of living plants. Characteristics of Tingidae are the thin lacy outgrowths of the pronotum and the delicate lacelike texture of the forewings. Of the ineffable wonders of insect kinds, none surpasses the Lacebugs in the diversity and oddities of forms adorned with fancy lace design. Common name of Tingidae is Lacebugs because of the raised reticulation on the pronotum and forewings. They are phytophagous and often gregarious near the egg masses from which they have emerged.
[widgetkit id="1118" name="AL043 Hemiptera Tingidae Cantacaderinae Phatnoma"]
Hemiptera Nymph Live Like V1003
A Must Have in all Collections
Pretty Common on Dominican Amber but RARE in this Quality
Perfect Nymph of Hemiptera on Clear Amber Piece
14.7 x 11.9 x 6.9mm - 0.78g
[widgetkit id="180" name="V1003 Hemiptera Nymph"]
Super Nice Heteroptera Along Coleoptera Limulodidae AF01-230
Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Super Cute Heteroptera Beside a Fresh Looking Coleoptera Limulodidae (Crab Beetle - Horseshoe)
Very Well Displayed Inclusions - Centered - Both Totally Covered by the Amber
Clear & Solid Amber Piece
23.5 x 15.5 x 5.6mm - 7.0Ct
[widgetkit id="845" name="AF01-230 Heteroptera & Crab Beetle"]
Hemiptera Pentatomidae The Only Known Adult Specimen V1139
Museum Quality ADULT Stink Bug
Hemiptera Pentatomidae
Contains Also Spectacular Dendritic Figures
Unique Specimen - Never Documented Before!!!
A Must Have in all Serious Collection
Processed under 10x Magnification - Superb Finishing
21.6 x 18.9 x 10.8mm - 2.45g
[widgetkit id="88" name="V1139 Stink Bug Pentatomidae"]
Psyllidae Live Like Inclusion on Crystal Clear Amber Piece AF01-275
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Super Nice Psyllidae
Live Like Specimen Very well Displayed in Crystal Clear Amber Piece
18.9 x 18.7 x 6.4mm - 8.02Ct
[widgetkit id="986" name="AF01-275 Psyllidae"]
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Stink Bug Nymph AL028
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Superb Top Quality Nymph of Stink Bug (Hemiptera Pentatomidae)
Live Like Colorful Specimen - Ideal position within the Amber Piece
Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
Crystal Clear - Crack Free Amber Piece
22.7 x 17.3 x 8.1mm - 1.812g
[widgetkit id="1140" name="AL028 Hemiptera Pentatomidae"]
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Stink Bug Nymph V1819
Museum Quality Inclusion
Very Rare Nymph of Stink Bug (Pentatomidae)
Live Like Specimen
Perfectly Preserved and Displayed on Large & Crystal Clear Amber Piece
36.2 x 30.2 x 9.3mm - 7.3g
[widgetkit id="575" name="V1819 Nymph of Stink Bug Pentadomidae"]
Top Quality Hemiptera Psyllidae V1936
Genuine Dominican Amber Fossil
Top Quality Hemiptera Psyllidae
Very Rare like in this perfect condition
Absolutely Gorgeous Live Like Specimen
Totally Complete - Very well displayed on Crystal Clear Amber Piece
25.4 x 14.9 x 8.0mm - 1.9g
100% Natural Amber Piece, Not Treated,Glued, Heated or Watsoever.......
Free EMS Shipping. Shipping Cost for info (USD): North America 29.00 - Europe 38.00 - Middle East/Asia/Oceania 40.00
Important: As requested by Courier, Please Make Sure your details mention a phone number
[widgetkit id="657" name="V1936 Hemiptera Psyllidae"]
Hemiptera Enicocephalidae Gnat Bug V1846
Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Hemiptera Enicocephalidae (Gnat Bug)
Live Like Specimen - Beautiful Attitude
Complete - Totally Covered by the Amber
41.5 x 17.0 x 9.8mm - 4.2g
[widgetkit id="781" name="V1846"]