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Price: $ 1,062.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Ephemeroptera Mayfly Laying Eggs AF01-170

Ephemeroptera Laying Eggs

As per our Knowledge, this is so far the first Mayfly Oviposition Behavior Documented on Dominican Amber

Mayflies are Aquqtic Insects Belongings to the Ephemeroptera Order. During Nymph to Adult Stages transition, they Fly Close the surface of water for Mating, during this time they do not feed. Spectacular Mayflies Hatches occurs from Spring to Autumn (not only in May) in large numbers and are sign of Unpolluted and clean Environment. Ephemeroptera are part of a acient insect group called Paleoptera (Which also contain Dragonflies & Damselflies), more than 3000 Species of Mayflies are known all over the world on more than 400 Genus & 42 Families.

A Absolute Must Have Specimen

20.6 x 17.4 x 9.9mm - 9.25CT


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Price: $ 650.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Very Rare Ephemeroptera Leptophlebiidae - Mayfly AF01-173

Dominican Amber Fossil
Ephemeroptera Leptophlebiidae - Mayfly
Ephemeroptera are the most primitive winged insects, well known for their short-lived adult phase. As their name suggests (from ancient greek ephemeros: day long - pteron wing). Individual life span of adults usually lasts no more than 24 hours, with extremes between a few minutes and some days. For this reason fossil mayflies in amber are very rare. Adult mayflies are collected and eaten in many parts of Asia.
Extremely Rare Specimen - Highly Collectible
36.2 x 10.3 x 7.2mm - 1.948g

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Price: $ 680.00 1 item in stock Add to cart

Extremely Rare Ephemeroptera A02-041

Authentic Dominican Amber Fossil
Extremely Rare Mayfly (Ephemeroptera)
Ephemeroptera are the most primitive winged insects, well known for their short-lived adult phase. As their name suggests (from ancient greek ephemeros: day long - pteron wing). Individual life span of adults usually lasts no more than 24 hours, with extremes between a few minutes and some days. For this reason fossil mayflies in amber are very rare. Adult mayflies are collected and eaten in many parts of Asia.
Beautiful Specimen Almost Completely Covered by the Amber (Except a tiny part of a wing which reach the surface)
20.0 x 12.3 x 7.0mm - 1.03g

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