A Field Guide to Insects: America North of Mexico

Detailed descriptions of insect orders, families, and many individual species are illustrated with 1,300 drawings and 142 superb color paintings. Illustrations - which use the unique Peterson Identification System to distinguish one insect from another - include size lines to show the actual length of each insect. A helpful glossary explains the technical terms of insect anatomy. Find what you're looking for with Peterson Field Guides--their field-tested visual identification system is designed to help you differentiate thousands of unique species accurately every time.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 2nd edition (April 15, 1998)
Language: English
Paperback: 416 pages
ISBN-10: 0395911702
ISBN-13: 978-0395911709
Item Weight: 13.3 ounces
Dimensions: 4.5 x 0.94 x 7.25 inches
A Field Guide to the Beetles of North America

Richard E. White is a research entomologist at the United States National Museum in Washington and the author of articles and research papers chiefly in his special field of beetles. As an artist he is most experienced in portraying insects, but he also illustrates general biological subjects. Donald J. Borror is a professor of entomology at Ohio State University and the author of books, articles, and recordings. With Dwight M. DeLong he is the coauthor of a widely used textbook, An Introduction to the Study of Insects, now in its fourth edition. Dr. Borror has made several records of bird songs and insect sounds. With Richard D. Alexander he recorded The Songs of Insects, one of the Sounds of Nature disks in the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology series. Roger Tory Peterson, one of the world's greatest naturalists, received every major award for ornithology, natural science, and conservation, as well as numerous honorary degrees, medals, and citations, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The Peterson Identification System has been called the greatest invention since binoculars, and the Peterson Field Guides® are credited with helping to set the stage for the environmental movement.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (April 15, 1998)
Language: English
Paperback: 384 pages
ISBN-10: 0395910897
ISBN-13: 978-0395910894
Item Weight: 12.8 ounces
Dimensions: 4.5 x 1 x 7.25 inches